Amazon Part Time Jobs 2020

Amazon Part Time Jobs 2020

Amazon Part Time Jobs 2020

Amazon Part Time Jobs 2020
Amazon Part Time Jobs 2020

Amazon Part Time Jobs 2020

It is everyone's dream to figure for the world's largest company. But, if the work is of the deliveryman , then some people may retreat. However, the truth is that this is often no ordinary work. aside from diligence , it also earns tons of cash . this feature is far better for the unemployed. Especially once they need to do that work for the world's largest online shopping company. The special thing is that there are not any restrictions during this job. If you can't do a full time job, then it also can be done part time. allow us to know what to try to to ..

Who are the delivery boys?

The delivery boy or delivery girl is called those boys and girls who reach products or package customers of online or retail companies. The delivery boy takes the package from Amazon's warehouse and delivers it to the customer. The delivery buoys across the country deliver millions of packages daily. A delivery boy has to deliver 100 to 150 packages in a day.

Delivery is in the range of 10-15 km

Amazon has about 18 centers in Delhi. Most of such cities have Amazon centers. All packages are delivered to the customer's address. The package is delivered in an area of ​​about 10–15 km from the Amazon Center.

How many hours is the shift?

The delivery boy does not have to work all day. In the part of the delivery boy, only those packages are available in his area. However, Amazon delivers from 7 am to 8 pm. The delivery boys of Delhi say that they deliver 100-150 packages in about 4 hours in a day.

What is needed to create a delivery boy?

You must have a degree to become a delivery boy. If school or college are pass then it is mandatory to have a passing certificate. You must have your own bike or scooter for delivery. Insurance of bike or scooter, RC should be valid. Also, the applicant should have a driving license.

How to apply?

You can apply for the delivery boy job directly on Amazon's site Apart from this, one can apply for the job by visiting any center of Amazon. In most centers, the place of delivery boy is always empty. But, even if there is no place, your name can be registered for future. You will get a place when a place is created.

Register yourself online

You can register to get a delivery boy job in Amazon through your email ID. For this, fill the complete form properly, do not leave any information. Also read the terms of service carefully. The company asks you for background checks, do not deny it.

Will the company give you the vehicle?

If you have your own scooter and bike, then you will have to use your own vehicle for the delivery of selected products. If you want to deliver big products, then the company also provides you big vehicles on certain conditions.

Deliver can do his favorite thing

Delivery Boy has to deliver both at office and home. However, it is the delivery boy who decides which products to deliver. From small items to fridge, TV, AC can also be delivered. For this, a large vehicle is required, Amazon provides large vehicles.

The company will also teach work

After hiring, the company will also give you information about how to deliver the product. Which products have to be delivered according to the timing. This means that the entire training related to delivery is provided by Amazon.

Is a job permanent or a contract?

In Amazon, the delivery boy's job is neither permanent nor contract. You can leave the job whenever you want. At the same time, the company can also remove it due to your performance.

How much salary do you get?

Amazon Delivery Boy gets regular salary every month. In Amazon, delivery boys get a fixed salary of 12 to 15 thousand rupees. Petrol costs you. But, when a product or package is delivered, you get 10 to 15 rupees. According to the delivery service company, if someone works for a month and delivers 100 packages daily, then he can easily earn 55000 to 60000 rupees a month.

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