A shocking case of Corona in America, Covid-19 infant died less than one year old

A shocking case of Corona in America, Covid-19 infant died less than one year old

A shocking case of Corona in America, Covid-19 infant died less than one year old

A shocking case of Corona in America, Covid-19 infant died less than one year old

A shocking case of Corona in America, Covid-19 infant died less than one year old

There has been a case of Corona virus epidemic that is causing worldwide furore, which has surprised everyone. In the US, there has been a case of first infant death due to Covid-19 infection. This has been confirmed by the US authorities. Dr. Ngozi Ejike, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said that a child infected with the Corona virus died in Chicago. The age of this child is said to be less than one year.
The director said, "Earlier there had not been a case of death of an infant infected with Covid-19 infection in the country. A full investigation is being done to ascertain the cause of death. The director of the Illinois Department of Public Health said, "We must do everything to stop the spread of this deadly virus. If for some reason we are unable to protect ourselves, then we should protect the people around us from this epidemic. '

The death of this girl from Corona in America has surprised everyone. A child under the age of one year due to a corona virus infection was first reported in China. However, the infant was already suffering from other diseases and the team of doctors is investigating other reasons as well.

2000 deaths due to infection in America

So far more than two thousand deaths have occurred due to Corona virus infection in America. Johns Hopkins University's Center for System Science and Engineering (CSSE) gave this information. The latest data (an interactive map) released by the Center for System Science and Engineering, Xinhua, said that there were more than 121,000 cases of Covid-19 infected in the US as of 6.40 pm local time Saturday and 2010 due to infection. There were deaths.

According to the latest data, New York State topped the list with 52 thousand positive cases. New Jersey and California finished second and third with 11,124 and 5065 cases respectively. US President Donald Trump said Saturday that 'enforcerous quarantine' would be applied to travel in some of the most afflicted areas, with Covid-19 infection cases continuing to rise.

President Trump told reporters at the White House, 'The situation in New York is critical, some people would like to see it in the quarantine. Quarantine is applicable in parts of New York, New Jersey and maybe one or two other places, I am currently thinking about it. ' He added, "We might not have to do this but there is a possibility that we apply quarantine for short time today."

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